

The role of the school counselor is unique. We are not disciplinarians. We do not hand out detentions nor do we give grades on homework or tests. We do not enforce curfews or assign chores. We are keepers of secrets (when professionally appropriate). We are listeners, guides, and encourages. Students see us as sympathetic and supportive by the nature of our jobs. Although many students often view counselors as their friends because they feel they can count on them, the relationship between school counselor and student is more professional and formal than a friendship. The school counselor is a professional adult and the student is a child who receives services from the counselor.

(From The Counselor’s Classroom Vol. 3 Issue 33)

The guidance counselors at Odyssey Middle School are here to help you. We use a comprehensive guidance program to meet the needs of our students. The purpose of a counseling program in a school is to promote and enhance the learning process. The comprehensive guidance program provides all students the opportunity to acquire the academic, career, and personal/social skills necessary to achieve success. The program is proactive, developmental and preventive. It is based and evaluated on the Orange County Public Schools' guidance and student development benchmarks. The program allows counselors more time to deliver direct services to students, parents, and teachers. These services include:

Individual counseling

Group counseling

Classroom guidance

Crisis intervention

Consultation services

Referral services

Parent conferences

Test interpretation

Student schedules

Services for special needs students

Reviewing student records

Special recognition of students

Monitoring student progress

Students who wish to see their counselor can make an appointment in the grade level office. Parents may call the guidance counselor directly or the grade level office to speak to a counselor, arrange a parent conference, or make an appointment.


Daylin Saavedra -Grade 6th(All) & 7th (A-L)  407.207. 3850, extension 522-4246

Lucia Aloyo-Cruz -Grade 7th (M-Z) & 8th(All)  
407.207. 3850, extension 522-4247