Lunch Program


Students will have a 30-minute lunch daily. No food/drink may leave the cafeteria. You may pay for lunch by the week, month, or bring your own lunch from home. Parents bringing lunch to students from outside vendors/restaurants must receive pre-approval from the grade level Administrator or school Principal. Lunches of this nature will only be approved for special occasions at the discretion of the school. Outside vendor/restaurant food may only be given to the child of the parent providing it. Due to recent legislation parents who wish to have lunch with their children may do so outside in the courtyard. Only that parent’s child will be allowed to leave the cafeteria with the parent so that we will be in compliance with state regulations.

Free/Reduced Lunch Application:

The following procedures concerning the lunch program are to be observed:
  • Walk in an orderly manner to, from, and at lunch.
  • Find a seat upon entry into the cafeteria. No more than 6 students may sit at a table.
  • No cutting in line or saving places for friends.
  • Decide what you want to eat and have your money ready. Only ONE trip through the line is permitted.
  • Present your student ID Badge at the register.
  • Do Not get up from your seat without permission.
  • Talk quietly, do not horseplay. Use good manners.
  • All food and drink must be consumed before going back to class.
  • Leave your area clean and push your chair in upon leaving.
  • Recycle all trash appropriately.

Free/Reduced Lunch Application: